The Downeast Fisheries Trail by regions
It would take nearly three hours to drive, without stopping, from the Penobscot Marine Museum in Searsport (the westernmost site on the Downeast Fisheries Trail), to Roosevelt Campobello International Park (just over the border into Canada marking the easternmost point on the Trail). Adding in all the peninsulas and side trips that will take you to many interesting sites, the Downeast region offers vast opportunities for maritime and fisheries related experiences.
To make trip planning a bit easier, the Downeast Fisheries Trail can easily be split into five sub-regions, each of which can be explored in several days filled with fisheries heritage, conversations with local fishermen and aquaculture farmers, self guided tours, great local seafood, events, museums, and Maine’s iconic working waterfronts:

The Downeast Fisheries Trail region is big; each of the regions and peninsulas have rich stories to tell.
- Blue Hill Peninsula to Bucksport region
- Greater Mount Desert Island region
- Schoodic peninsula region
- Narraguagus River to East Machias River region
- Bold Coast Region