STAND: a poetic exploration of Lubec smokehouses

McCurdy’s Smokehouse, photo by John McCurdy, the last owner of McCurdy’s smokehouse before it closed in 1991. (© John McCurdy)
“STAND: a poetic exploration of Lubec smokehouses,” a 25-page booklet of poems about McCurdy’s Smokehouse in Lubec, was written by Camden Hunt, a student at College of the Atlantic, after a field trip to the smokehouse in 2019. The poems explore McCurdy’s Smokehouse history and process through a moving series of reflections that make the listener or reader feel like they are there, working side by side with the people who made their living for decades at McCurdy’s.
STAND: A Poetic Exploration of Lubec Smokehouses (PDF)
Camden Hunt “STAND” Artist’s Statement (PDF)